Data types

The Huxon language provide several common data types to be used for creating applications. All the data types are located within the hux namespace.

When developing applications it is important not to make any assumption on the number of bytes for types such as int. Indeed, the code written with the Huxon language might be compiled and deployed on systems ranging from low-power embedded devices to high-end servers over which the number of bytes used by int differs.

Whenever possible the Huxon common data types should be used.


The output data of a processing node should always use Huxon common data types to avoid size mismatches between code deployed on remote nodes.

Huxon language also offers hux::tuple as an alternative to std::tuple. The main benefit of using hux::tuple is that an hux::tuple made of trivially copyable types is itself trivially copyable. All outputs of processing nodes and channels are required to be trivially copyable.

namespace hux


typedef int8_t int8_t

Signed 8 bit integer.

typedef int16_t int16_t

Signed 16 bit integer.

typedef int32_t int32_t

Signed 32 bit integer.

typedef int64_t int64_t

Signed 64 bit integer.

typedef uint8_t uint8_t

Unsigned 8 bit integer.

typedef uint16_t uint16_t

Unsigned 16 bit integer.

typedef uint32_t uint32_t

Unsigned 32 bit integer.

typedef uint64_t uint64_t

Unsigned 64 bit integer.


template<class ...Types>
constexpr hux::tuple<typename std::unwrap_ref_decay<Types>::type...> make_tuple(Types&&... args)

Constructs an hux::tuple object of the appropriate type to contain the elements specified in args.

Template Parameters

Types – the types of each argument to store within the hux::tuple


args – list of elements that the constructed hux::tuple shall contain


a hux::tuple object of the appropriate type to hold args

template<size_t I, class ...Types>
constexpr hux::tuple_element<I, hux::tuple<Types...>>::type &get(hux::tuple<Types...> &tpl) noexcept

Retrieves a reference to the Ith element of an hux::tuple tpl.

Template Parameters
  • I – position of an element in the hux::tuple, with 0 as the position of the first element

  • Types – types of the elements in the hux::tuple (generally obtained implicitly from tpl)


&tpl – an hux::tuple object with more than I elements


a reference to the index-th element of the input tuple

template<size_t I, class ...Types>
constexpr hux::tuple_element<I, hux::tuple<Types...>>::type &&get(hux::tuple<Types...> &&tpl) noexcept
template<size_t I, class ...Types>
constexpr hux::tuple_element<I, hux::tuple<Types...>>::type const &get(const hux::tuple<Types...> &tpl) noexcept
template<size_t I, class ...Types>
constexpr hux::tuple_element<I, hux::tuple<Types...>>::type const &&get(const tuple<Types...> &&tpl) noexcept
template<class F, class Tuple>
constexpr decltype(auto) apply(F &&f, Tuple &&t)

Invokes the Callable object f with a hux::tuple of arguments.

Template Parameters
  • F – the callable object type

  • Tuple – the hux::tuple type

  • f – Callable object fo be invoked

  • thux::tuple whose elements to be used as arguments to f


The value returned by f.

template<size_t max_length>
class string
#include <types.hpp>

Class template hux::string to store constant string data with fixed-size memory allocation.

hux::string type is used to conveniently access string-like data from sensor sources. strings longer than max_length characters will be automatically trimmed to max_length characters.

Template Parameters

max_length – the maximum number of characters that the string can hold

Public Functions

inline const char *c_str() const

Returns a pointer to an array that contains a null-terminated sequence of characters (i.e., a C-string) representing the current value of the hux::string object.


A pointer to the c-string representation of the hux::string object’s value.

inline string(const char *char_array)

Constructs a string object starting from a constant char string array.

inline string()

Constructs an empty string.

template<class ...Types>
class tuple : public hux::__tuple_impl<std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Types)>, Types...>
#include <types.hpp>

Class template hux::tuple is a fixed-size collection of heterogeneous values.

hux::tuple provides functionalities similar to std::tuple with the additional feature of being trivially copyable when all the contained types are trivially copyable as well (see: std::is_trivially_copyable). This allows the usage of hux::tuple as an output type for channels and processing nodes created with: HUX_DECLARE_CHANNEL, HUX_DECLARE_PROCESSING and HUX_DECLARE_STATEFUL_PROCESSING.

Template Parameters

Types – the types of each hux::tuple container element

Public Functions

template<size_t I>
inline constexpr auto &get()

Retrieves a reference to the Ith element of the hux::tuple.

Template Parameters

I – position of an element in the hux::tuple, with 0 as the position of the first element


a reference to the index-th element of the input tuple

template<size_t I>
inline constexpr const auto &get() const

Retrieves a const reference to the Ith element of the hux::tuple.

Template Parameters

I – position of an element in the hux::tuple, with 0 as the position of the first element


a const reference to the index-th element of the input tuple

template<size_t I, class T>
class tuple_element
#include <types.hpp>

Class template designed to access the type of the Ith element in a hux::tuple.

It is a simple class with a single member type, tuple_element::type, defined as an alias of the type of the Ith element in a tuple of type T.

Template Parameters
  • I – order number of the element within the hux::tuple (zero-based)

  • Thux::tuple type for which the type of the tuple element is to be obtained

Public Types

using type = typename T::template tuple_element<I>
template<class T>
class tuple_size
#include <types.hpp>

Class template designed to access the number of elements in a hux::tuple (as a constexpr)

It is a simple class with a tuple_size::value member containing the number of elements within the hux::tuple.

Template Parameters

Thux::tuple type for which the tuple size is obtained

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr const size_t value = T::tuple_size