
namespace HTS221

STMicroelectronics HTS221 sensor.

The STMicroelectronics HTS221 is a Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature.

For technical documents and a complete description of the sensor features please refer to the official documentation at:

To create a STMicroelectronics HTS221 sensor use the HUX_DECLARE_SENSOR construct:

HUX_DECLARE_SENSOR(sensor_name, hux::sensors::STMicroelectronics::HTS221);

Simulation data

To define simulation data for a STMicroelectronics HTS221 sensor use the HUX_DECLARE_SIMULATION_DATA construct, making sure that the simulation data match the following data type:

typedef hux::tuple<std::vector<float>, std::vector<float>, std::vector<hux::uint64_t>> hux::sensors::STMicroelectronics::HTS221::simulation_data_t

The type of data required for simulation purposes.

A hux::tuple of std::vector of the following types:

  • float: Temperature in Celsius degrees

  • float: Relative humidity as percentage in the range [0, 100]

  • hux::uint64_t: Unix timestamp in milliseconds of the data generated by the sensor

This example shows how to load simulation data for a STMicroelectronics HTS221 sensor from a CSV file whose columns are separated by semicolon (“;”):

    hux::simulation::load_csv<float, float, hux::uint64_t>("dataset.csv", ";"))

HUX_DECLARE_SENSOR(sensor_name, hux::sensors::STMicroelectronics::HTS221, sim_data);


The STMicroelectronics HTS221 sensor offers the following sources:

inline constexpr const auto get_temperature()

Temperature in Celsius degrees.


The temperature Source

inline constexpr const auto get_humidity()

Relative humidity as percentage in the range [0, 100].


The humidity Source

inline constexpr const auto get_timestamp()

Unix timestamp in milliseconds of the data generated by the sensor.


The Unix timestamp in milliseconds of the data generated by the sensor


Initial configuration

To define an initial configuration for a STMicroelectronics HTS221 sensor use the HUX_DECLARE_SENSOR_CONFIGURATION construct:

HUX_DECLARE_SENSOR_CONFIGURATION(conf_name, hux::sensors::STMicroelectronics::HTS221,
    .PARAM_1 = VALUE_1,
    .PARAM_2 = VALUE_2,

HUX_DECLARE_SENSOR(sensor_name, hux::sensors::STMicroelectronics::HTS221, {}, conf_name);

where PARAM_1, PARAM_2, … can be any of the following:

float odr = configs::odr_1

Output data rate


If a parameter is not specified within the sensor configuration its default value is used.

Valid configuration values

Each sensor model has its own configuration values that are permitted by the manufacturer and supported by Huxon. The valid configuration values for the configuration parameters of the STMicroelectronics HTS221 are listed below:

struct configs

Available configuration values for STMicroelectronics HTS221.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr float odr_1 = 1.0
static constexpr float odr_7 = 7.0
static constexpr float odr_12_5 = 12.5

Dynamic configuration

The Huxon language provides the capability to reconfigure sensor parameters dynamically while the application is running. This allow to change the behavior of a sensor in response to specific events.

To dynamically reconfigure a STMicroelectronics HTS221 sensor, it is necessary to create a configurator through the HUX_SENSOR_CONFIGURATOR_BUILDER and register it to the sensor using HUX_REGISTER_SENSOR_CONFIGURATOR:

HUX_DECLARE_SENSOR(sensor_name, hux::sensors::STMicroelectronics::HTS221);


auto configurator = HUX_SENSOR_CONFIGURATOR_BUILDER(hux::sensors::STMicroelectronics::HTS221)

HUX_REGISTER_SENSOR_CONFIGURATOR(sensor_name, configurator);

where param1_channel, param2_channel, … are channels that generate configuration values, while the configurator builder methods: add_PARAM1_cfg_chan, add_PARAM2_cfg_chan, … bind such channels to the parameters they will configure. The configurator builder methods can be any of the following:

template<hux::channels::IsChannelOf<float> channel_t>
inline constexpr const auto add_ODR_cfg_chan(channel_t channel) const

Configures a channel for the ODR (Output Data Rate) parameter.

Please refer to the official sensor documentation ( for details on this parameter

Template Parameters

channel_t – The type of input channel supplying the configuration values for the parameter


channel – The input channel supplying the configuration values for the parameter


The updated builder instance (for further method invocation chaining)